In the Mission Field

Elder Eli Carling

Elder Carling is training!  Last week, Elder Carling received a new missionary from Oaxaca, México, Elder Gutierrez.  Elder Carling was very excited with the news that he'll be training.  

Elder Carling still serves as a District Leader.  Recently, he and his companion found and committed to baptism an extended family of 10!  

Elder Carling can see the blessings and transformation that the Savior and His gospel can make in an individual's life.  Hurrah for Israel!

See additional photos of Elder Carling in the GALLERY

Elder Eli Carling

Ciudad Juárez Mexico Mission

Elder and Sister Matheson

Greetings From The California Anaheim Mission!

A few of our favorite recent missionary opportunities have been:

Helping our friend Sam learn to use Family Search and add recorded life story memories

Meeting 70 year old Kalim, our new Myan-Honduran friend

He brought a truck load of bricks to build an outdoor oven for the Rancho Los Cerritos historic site.  We wheeled and unloaded the bricks with him.  He raised his hands in the air and thanked God for sending two angels to help him. We are now assisting Kalim in fabricating the traditional outdoor oven.

Our newest friend, Delores, loves family history and is entering a float to tell the stories of important Americans.  Her float will be in the Orange County Black History Parade and Unity Festival.  We are adding some needed helping hands for her project.

Completing and coordinating repairs at our stake center church building

Meeting, mingling among and answering questions that come from the many friends who come to a senior chair volleyball group held at our stake center.

We got smart and had some young adult girls knock on the doors of young adult boys last week inviting them to church and dinner. That got their attention and helped a few more come out.

Teaching with the young missionaries

We need more Senior Missionaries out here.  Your schedule can be flexible on the mission, and the joy you will feel is incredible. There are 6 month, 1 year, 18 month, and 2 year mission opportunities. Check them out this month at and come join us!

Elder and Sister Matheson

California Anaheim Mission

Elder Tate Rigtrup

Missouri Independence Mission