01 Jan

by Jeffrey Schenk

In the January 2025 Liahona, President Nelson has an article about different ways we gather.  Here is an excerpt on gathering together each Sunday.  

Gather with the Saints

When we come together and unite as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we enter into fellowship and companionship with one another. We sustain, teach, and edify each other. We strive, in the Savior’s words, to “be one” (John 17:21; see also Doctrine and Covenants 38:27) and to “love one another” (John 13:34).

President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, has taught, “Church attendance gives us the strength and enhancement of faith that come from associating with other believers and worshipping together with those who are also striving to stay on the covenant path and be better disciples of Christ.”

At Church we find spiritual rest and renewal. We find ordinances and the priesthood authority to administer them. We find restored truth, pure doctrine, and personal revelation. We find welcoming arms, consoling hearts, and encouraging voices. We find opportunities to live the two great commandments (see Mark 12:30–31).

The Lord has warned us that “the enemy is combined” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:12). To protect our families and thwart Satan’s growing influence, our worshipping together as Saints becomes even more essential.“

Unity,” the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “is strength.”

We are also taught in the book of Mormon that the saints were commanded to gather together often to partake of the sacrament and to strengthen each other.  As we learn in this article, when we come together each Sunday we can be strengthened  spiritually and increase our strength against the adversary. 

When we come to church part of our goal is also as the saviour said to "feed my sheep."   We don't just come to church for ourselves we come to help strengthen the other members in the ward inactive or active and also non members who may come.  So at times we might be tempted to not come to church or not stay for the whole 2 hours because we don't feel we need it or its not important.  We are needed to uplift the others around us.  We may be inspired to share certain personal experiences or comments that help uplift another member.  

How can the Lord use us to feed his lambs if we are not there.  In the process we can find ourselves inspired when we didn't know we needed it.  So it is crucial for all of us to gather together and become unified and strengthen those around us.  

I have personally been uplifted many times while at church from experiences and words of other members of the ward.  I am very grateful for those times and it really helped me through hard times.  I know that all of us can and do strengthen others at church without even realizing it.  

I would challenge all of you to continue to be active in church and be more involved in lessons and church functions.   We are all there to help each other.

Elders Quorum Presidency

President: Jeffrey Schenk 937-830-5011

1st - Bryan Beckstrom 801-649-8726

2nd - Charles Day 435-592-6337 

Secretary- Keith Maxwell 435-592-6560

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