01 Feb

by Robin Beckstrom

On Sunday,February 23rd we will have our Baptism Preview. It will be at 6:30 pm in our Primary Room. This is for the children turning 8 this year and their parents.

The songs we will be working on in Primary this month are:Dare To Do Right A Child's Prayer.

Primary Activities Activity days will continue to be held on Wednesdays this year (rather than switching to Tuesdays.) They will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 6-7pm.

Family Scripture Study The primary is continuing with the incentive program to help encourage the children to study the Come Follow Me reading each week with their families. As each child can share with their class and teacher something they learned during their family scripture study each week, they’ll be able to add a rock to their class jar. We’ll combine the rocks from all the classes and work towards filling up a large jar as an entire primary. Once our large jar is full, we’ll have a fun party!

Speaking of parties…we’ve filled our rock jar already and will be having a party to celebrate!  On Tuesday, February 18th from 6-7pm at our building in the gym we will PARTY!  Primary children, please join us for pizza and some fun games!

February Birthdays:

1-Jackson F

5- Lucy H

Primary Presidency:

President: Rachel Lybbert 801-602-6727

1st Counselor: Robin Beckstrom 801-649-8727

2nd Counselor: Erin Huber 385-424-8069

Secretary: Sarah Wood 307-752-5615

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